Top 10 Free Online Courses to Teach You Digital Marketing

Muhammad Ahmad

Top 10 Free Online Courses to Teach You Digital Marketing

One of the most lucrative and fulfilling careers you can pursue is digital marketing, but if you don't know where to begin, it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are tonnes of free online courses available that will teach you everything you need to know, from how to create an effective social media campaign to how to structure your first digital marketing plan!

Top 10 Free Online Courses to Teach You Digital Marketing

Continue reading for the top ten free online courses on digital marketing! You'll be astonished at the variety and depth of free courses available today!

1. The Inbound Certification from HubSpot Academy
You can learn the necessary skills for inbound marketing through the free, self-paced, interactive HubSpot Academy Inbound Certification course. This entails designing a useful website, making it optimized for social media and search engines, constructing fruitful content marketing campaigns, and monitoring analytics.

The course also provides an overview of some marketing tools and the fundamentals of effective communication. You will be able to obtain a certificate at the end of the course validating your understanding of inbound marketing.

2. Google Analytics Academy

The fundamentals of Google Analytics are taught in a free, self-paced online course called Google Analytics Academy. Six hours of videos, tests, and other study materials are part of the system. The course doesn't result in a certificate, but it's a great way for marketers to learn about analytics and how it can help them enhance their campaigns. Now is the time to learn! These courses cover topics like blogging, content marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). Study social media marketing (SMM) by enrolling in Facebook or Twitter courses. A few systems provide certificate programs, allowing you to receive credit for your education as well. Which will you begin?

3. QuickSprout University

QuickSprout has been a top source for digital marketing and entrepreneurship information since 2008. These days, QuickSprout is the go-to source for business owners interested in learning about digital marketing. QuickSprout's free online courses provide all the information you require about digital marketing and entrepreneurship and receive over 300,000 visitors each month. Content marketing boot camp, SEO boot camp, social media boot camp, growth hacking boot camp, copywriting 101 (with bonus lectures), email marketing 201 (with bonus lectures), web analytics 201 (with bonus lectures), advanced adwords 301 (with bonus lectures), Facebook advertising 301 (and bonus lecture), and Instagram advertising 301 are among the ten free courses offered by QuickSprout University.

4. Moz Blog

What exactly does "digital marketing" entail? It all revolves around utilizing internet-based tools and strategies, like email and search engine optimization, to draw in new clients. There are countless options available, from setting up a website or blog to using social media marketing and online advertising. The top ten free online courses to teach you digital marketing from scratch are listed in this article. These courses will give you the essential knowledge needed for success in the modern world, whether you're a seasoned professional who needs to brush up on your skills or you're just starting your journey into this fascinating industry.

5. Social Media Examiner

The most widely used blog in the world for social media marketing is Social Media Examiner. On social media strategy, tactics, and analytics, the website provides comprehensive, useful insights. The website publishes new articles every day from some of the top social media thinkers. Additionally, Social Media Examiner organizes live events that host more than 3,000 professionals from all over the world for three days of learning and networking. These conferences cover analytics, lead generation, mobile advertising, content marketing, and social media strategy.

6. WordStream

The French word Marchand, which means to trade, is where the word marketing first appeared. Giving people what they want is still at the core of marketing, even though it may have changed in modern times. We'll examine some of the top free online courses that teach digital marketing in this article. Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media advertising (SMO) are two types of campaigns that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing, which has many definitions. Therefore, these are your resources if you want to learn more about SEO or SMO.

7. Copyblogger

1. Google offers free SEO training. This in-depth, one-hour video goes into great detail about SEO and stresses the value of creating high-quality content for your target audience. 2. Hubspot's Content Marketing 101. This course teaches you how to use social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing channels, like Facebook Ads, and how to produce content for your website or blog. 3. Kissmetrics' Conversion Optimisation: The Definitive Guide. This course is excellent because it demonstrates how to develop a conversion optimization strategy tailored to your company and then carry it out using A/B testing and multivariate testing tools like Visual Website Optimizer and Optimizely.

4. CopyBlogger's Copywriting Basics. Let's say you plan to incorporate writing into your marketing plan. In that case, this course will instruct you on persuasive copywriting techniques and show you how they can raise lead generation and conversion rates. 5. Hubspot's Social Media Marketing 102. With this free online tutorial from Google, you can quickly create advertisements for AdWords (Google's online advertising program). 6. Udemy's The Complete Digital Marketing Bundle. With this collection of courses on search engine optimization, email marketing, Facebook advertising, web analytics, and design fundamentals, you can become an expert in all aspects of marketing.

7. General Assembly's Growth Hacking Course, a $195 value, is free! Discover growth hacking techniques to expand your business exponentially without investing in paid advertising! 8. Free $195 Amazon Web Services training course from Amazon! Learn how to build reliable web applications using Amazon Web Services (AWS) by receiving hands-on training in cloud computing technologies like AWS Lambda and API Gateway.

8. Hootsuite Social Media Marketing Certification

You can learn how to market your company on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube with the help of Hootsuite's Social Media Marketing Certification. You will receive a certificate after finishing the course verifying that you successfully completed the certification program. With over 20 million users worldwide, Hootsuite is the most popular social media dashboard in the world and is a great resource for learning digital marketing techniques. The course begins by teaching you the fundamentals of social media marketing before moving on to more complex subjects like generating leads and evaluating your progress. This entire training is cost-free!

9. The Beginner's Guide to SEO from Moz

One of the best Beginner's Guides to SEO is available from Moz, and it explains what SEO is, how it functions, and how to get started. They have an excellent guide that walks you through each step of the process in their section on SEO for small businesses.

The Webmaster Academy at Google Google engineers with specialized knowledge of web technology offers training through the Google Webmaster Academy. The subjects covered in tutorials include video-based marketing and how to get indexed by Google.

HubSpot Academy, established by the company's founder Brian Halligan, provides free courses on social media advertising, email marketing best practices, and landing page design. Check out their Inbound Marketing beginner's guide! MOOC suppliers: Complete courses on digital marketing are available from MOOC providers like edX without the need for registration or payment of tuition. Many schools make use of these companies to spread knowledge cheaply to a worldwide audience. All of these courses are always accessible online!

10. Buffer Blog

We're constantly looking for fresh approaches to learn and develop our abilities. This is the reason we've compiled a list of the top 10 free online courses on digital marketing right now. (1) Social Media Management: The Complete Guide (2) Complete the Web Developer 2.0 Course (3) Create Responsive Websites with The Complete Bootstrap Masterclass (4) Scala: The World's Easiest Data Science Introduction (5) An Easy Introduction to Haskell Programming

(6) Python Programming: A Computer Science Overview (7) Intermediate Full Stack Web Development: Learn Angular 5, React, NodeJS, and MongoDB, Machine Learning with Python - Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (8), Intermediate Full Stack Web Development with Angular 4+, React, NodeJS, and MongoDB (9) One-Day Intensive English Course: Learn English Speaking (10) Nanodegree in Self-Driving Car Engineering from Udacity

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